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Looking for Storytellers to join Team

Goiligan is looking for motivated, creative storytellers to join our team. We are an online storytelling community where members share their stories and experiences with each other through reading, writing and commenting on articles posted on our website.

As a member of the Goiligan storyteller team, you will have the opportunity to work independently or in collaboration with other storytellers to create engaging, thought-provoking pieces that bring together content and commentary from different perspectives. You will also have the chance to contribute to other sections of the site such as interviews, reviews and creative non-fiction content.

We are looking for inspired individuals who are passionate about storytelling and wordsmithing; those who can engage readers with their unique voice while embracing creativity and diversity within our team. Writers should possess knowledge in a variety of topics such as culture, lifestyle, health & wellness, family & relationships etc.

The Goiligan Storyteller Team offers competitive pay for working remotely – giving you flexible hours to work from wherever you wish. If this sounds like something that would fit into your life and interests – we’d love to hear from you!

If interested please submit a writing portfolio featuring your prior works along with your CV/resume for in the Form Below.

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