Rows of roasted lechon on poles beside text: Discover 21 Best Lechon in Iligan City.
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21 Best Lechon Stores in Iligan City

Are you looking for the best lechon store in Iligan city? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this post, I’m going to share with you my top picks for the best lechons in Iligan city.

There aren’t many places where you can get fresh lechon in Iligan city, but here are our favorites! These are the best lechon stores in Iligan city because they serve the freshest lechon around.

The 21 best lechon Stores in Iligan City

LechonLechon BrandContact Number
Jaime’s Lechon bayug632223173
MJ Lechon House632220355
MJ Lechon House632233177
Dodong’s Lechon9173241500
J and L Lechon Baka – PITLANE Tibanga9776243811
De – Boy’s Lechon9362796695
Jaime’s Lechon Bayug Riverside632215931
Anduyan’s Lechon2211387
Sergeant Lechon House9777502309
Edi’s Spicy Lechon & Fastfood9162329600
Jaimes Lechon Bayug632244128
CowCha Lechon Baka9176212977
The Lechon Belly House9951345893
Voltaires Lechon632215747
Alvz lechon hausNot found.
Hunter’s Lechon Iligan632250162
Aj Arjosh Lechon BellyNot found.
J and L Lechon Baka Co.9177101166
Annedie’s lechon bellyNot found.
Averg Boholanos Lechon Hauz9359108102

In conclusion, if you haven’t been to a lechon store yet, you’re missing out on a delicious treat. These stores have everything from traditional lechons (which are roasted over charcoal) to lechons made with pork belly. So go ahead and check out one of these local favorites today!

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